
BlackBox Analyzer 2.0 has been released

A Major release of BlackBox Analyzer is out introducing many new and exciting features such as messaging and live view.

With these two new features, it is now possible to send and receive messages from vessels in the field directly from the Analyzer and even log on to vessels remotely when they are within GSM range (to view/validate system status and/or reconfigure system settings).

Below is a list of the main features added to version 2.0:

  • Live view! The feature is accessible from the menu in the Analyzer and enables users (with sufficient user rights) to remotely log on to vessels in the field.
  • Integrated Messaging component for sending/receiving messages to and from vessels in the field.
  • Free up space on the video server and delete video files directly from the Analyzer.
  • Select video files in the Analyzer during a trip review and download them instantly to a local destination.
  • Easily view and export fishing activities and notes to a csv-file during a trip review (right click the graph).
  • See video availability directly in the trip events lists by a green camera icon.
  • A red exclamation mark is now visible in the trip events list if a vessel has GPS problems.
  • Reorder the cameras during video playback by drag 'n drop.
  • The application is now multilingual and supports Danish and English.